As part of our accreditation all calibrations are traceable to international standards.
AccuCal is an accredited class A test house in accordance with Part 10 of the Electricity Participation Code 2010. AccuCal has held accreditation to ISO/IEC/NZS 17025:2017 International Laboratory standards, since February 2001 to class 0.2 for Meters, Current Transformers and Voltage Transformers. In conjunction with the before mentioned accreditation AccuCal has also achieved the status of an approved test house (Class A) under the Electricity Industry Participation Code as being capable of testing revenue metering equipment of accuracy Class 0.2 and lower.
AccuCal is an Electricity Authority approved Metering Equipment Provider (MEP)

AccuCal is a metrology and calibration laboratory accredited to ISO17025:2017

Health and Safety
We operate in a safety-first environment. AccuCal’s elite highly trained team ensures Health and Safety requirements are always at the forefront.
AccuCal is +Impac Prequal 5 star assessment rating and ISNetworld approved contractors.
